Working with us is simple

Conviértete en nuestro embajador en sólo 3 sencillos pasos.
Sign up

Takes you only one minute to fill out the form.


Share your affiliate link/coupon with your friends and followers: Whatsapp, Instagram, Tik Tok, Youtube, etc.


Cada vez que alguien compre gracias a ti, tu obtendrás una comisión.


Cuando te das de alta en el programa, te mandamos un email con un descuento de bienvenida del 75% para que te puedas comprar cualquier cosa de nuestra marca.

The Benefits of Being a Hanukeii Ambassador

Genera comisiones para poder conseguir mas productos gratis de nuestra marca.
75% de descuento para poder comprar cualquier producto de nuestra marca.
Acceso a Productos de Última Generación: Como embajador de Hanukeii, tendrás acceso a los productos más recientes y avanzados de la marca,
Reconocimiento y Exposición: Ser embajador te brinda la oportunidad de aumentar tu visibilidad y reconocimiento en la comunidad y redes sociales, lo que puede impulsar tu perfil personal o profesional.
Participación en Eventos Especiales: Tendrás la oportunidad de asistir a eventos exclusivos de la marca, como lanzamientos de productos, eventos de moda y reuniones con otros embajadores.
Oportunidades de Patrocinio: Dependiendo de tu nivel de influencia y compromiso, Hanukeii puede ofrecerte patrocinios para eventos, competiciones o actividades en las que participes.

Hanukeii Embajadores FAQ

How long does the approval process take until I become an affiliate?
Fill out the sign-up form in a few minutes and we will review your application within our next working days.
How will I know if my application is approved?
Our team will carefully review your application and if yours is approved, then you'll receive an email confirming your acceptance and some promotion assets to help you get started. For denials, we will also email you that your request has been rejected.
How are referrals tracked?
Upon acceptance into the affiliate program, you will receive access to your own affiliate dashboard where you can manage your affiliate links and/or coupons. When customers purchase using your link or coupon, the sales will be credited to you and therefore earn you commissions. Especially with links, even if customers don’t place orders on the first visit, your affiliate cookie will be stored in their browsers and devices - which still earns you commissions when they later purchase as long as the cookie hasn't expired.
How do I get paid with your affiliate program?
Our affiliates get paid directly to the payment account of their choice, or with discounts converted from Store Credit.
When do I get paid with your affiliate program?
When you successfully bring in orders, the merchant will review these orders and pay for their commissions on the basis that both parties have agreed on. It can either be after each successful referral, when your balance reaches a certain amount, or weekly, bi-weekly, monthly,... etc.
Who is this affiliate program for?
Everyone & anyone with an interest in our business: bloggers, influencers, content creators, marketing agencies & more.